Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7 Laptops, 4 People, 3 Beds and 1 Room

29/07/08 Courtyard Marriott, Los Altos, CA

As a person helping launch Inovaz I want to start a blog so that we can try and be more smart.

Or at least work out where we went wrong in the hope that we won't make the same mistakes again further down the line.

We've had a varied first week in Silicon Valley with many a plan change and the only routine coming from our cozy if well equipped room and the trough-loads of local fast food that we are becoming reluctant to consume any more of. Having attended our first event and collected some pearls of wisdom from some local veterans we are eagerly anticipating the week ahead.

With new business cards waiting to be fired at anyone who feels their wallet isn't already brimming enough with hopefuls aiming to pillage their acquaintances, we aim to test the water for another week before deciding when we head off to find the people we need. India or Mexico seem to be the best bets with the compass needle yet to settle on either destination, both potentially have mercenary programmers for hire.

Armed with an arguably excessive armada of laptops we are making progress in what seems to be the right direction though only coming weeks will tell.

Business Requirements: Workers W and Programmers P

  • Given
    • we create a complete set of business requirements
    • and they’re remotely useful
  • When
    • we give the business requirements to someone who knows what to do with them
  • Then
    • we’ll be on our way to an application